I am an editor, writer, journalist, infographics nerd, and former physical chemist based in Brooklyn, NY. While longform journalism is what lured me from the lab to the newsroom, I also write and edit package features and other formatted stories, explainers, service journalism, and news, both for traditional print and online venues. And then there’s the scientific illustration and data visualization editing. My work has appeared in New York Times Magazine, Popular Science, Audubon, The New York Times, Fatherly, and others.
Upon request, I have indoctrinated early-career journalists on the importance of storytelling, and especially the visual narrative, at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, the City University of New York, and New York University.
When not reveling in professional pedantry, I chase birds, listen to music that most people hate, and ferment beer in the hall closet.